Thursday 1 July 2010

Lets Take A Moment

i'm just going to use this post to pay repsect to my dear friend James Turnbull, we went through school and college together, and sadly he lost his fight with Cancer yesterday. He was a great guy and lived life pretty fast, he never gave up even when things were getting bad. He'll always be in my heart and I will never forget him, my thoughts go to his family at this time.

Love you James, i'm going to miss you calling me Sammy and Samwise
me and James last year

Saturday 26 June 2010

Just Another Day

Sorry for my late follow up from my last blog entry. I’ve had a bit of a week trying to sort out my life, i.e getting a job. I had a bit of excitement on Tuesday, where I met up with Carla and had a coffee, I took some dollars to her so she could buy me some Kat Von D lipstick when she went to New York. I went to Stateside (for an all day breakfast, which is massive wow) I was sitting chilling after eating and I saw two members of Deathstars go by (yes I know they are a crap band, but I proper love them). So after about 2 minutes of debating whether or not to follow them and say hi Carla gave me her camera and I chased after them. May I add also I was wearing a gypsy skirt, pink flip flops and a Lady Gaga top, last time I met them I was glittered and goth’d out. I caught up to them and I asked if I could have a photo with them, I completely went all fan-girl on them too:
Me: SKINNY!....hi, could I erm have a photo with you
Skinny: sure
Me: I just saw you in Stateside
Skinny: oh yeah we eat there all the time
Me: I hope you have a great show tonight, I’m not coming
Skinny: Bye

Hahaha best 2 minutes of my month I reckon!

me and Skinny

me and Nightmare

and the photos of me BEFORE when i met/saw Deathstars last time

Whiplasher <3

and the dreading photograph of me and my brother with Whiplasher and Bone

this was more of an insight into me blog post, i'll try and do some of these more often

Thursday 17 June 2010

A Post For The Boys

Ok seen as someone did mention I’m only talking about the girls, I’m going to have a little post for all the boys out there. Most of my friends are boys, it's always really been like that ever since I was in school, and boys I find are sometimes easier to trust than girls. During my time with them I’ve noticed that they suffer from the same insecurities as the girls do. They are very self conscience of the way they look and how they appear to other people. All I can say is don't try and be someone else and always be yourself even if you are childish or annoying, girls like guys who can just be themselves and not give a toss about who's around them. The same rules apply to guys for making themselves feel good, just be positive and don't be a dick, because if you are being a complete idiot (even if you don't mean it) to girls, they will just walk away. Single guys as we all know what a bit of fun, not being funny or anything but its true and there is nothing wrong with that, what’s stopping you eh? You’re young and you have a long life in front of you...may has well. But there is two different sides to the guy, the sex pest or the friendly guy...and believe me we like the friendly guy. So being you is the way to go, but that’s my opinion. If you are looking to have a cheeky kiss with the ladies then don't go straight in (unless you're pretty damn sure of yourself), at least try and have a conversation first, being a sex pest makes us girls just walk away, we don't want the hassle. But also don't let girls walk all over you, your better than that, you've got to learn (as I’ve said before) to love yourself, don't lower your expectations you're worth more than that believe me, nice guys may finish last but they end up with the best girls.
Like all dudes (I got sick of saying guys) you probably have your off days too, and the way you cope with that is playing video games eh, nothing wrong with that. While us girls are painting our nails you're blowing up a Zombie....boy and there toys eh.
I must admire one thing about the opposite sex is the fact that they don't give a f**k...I mean seriously they just don't dwell on things like we do. We worry about everything and you boys seen to just get on with it in a completely different way to what women do. I wish I had that gift.
But yeah I hope this was a positive enough post for the boys,

Love the Sunshine

Yes, it's all sunny again outside. Loving the summer weather. I'm surprised though that I’m enjoying the sun, I suffer from SAD you see which makes me miserable and basically unhappy about the warm weather. To snap out of this I’ve tried to set my mind on myself tasks to do just to get me out and used to the sunny weather. Walking to university and travelling to friends houses have really helped me. If you suffer from SAD or maybe you suffer from depression I suggest you spend time with friends. They really do help you more than you realise. Killing a couple of hours with your closest chums gets you out of the house and gets you out!
Also a suggestion for the older readers, during the day I wouldn't advise going to the pub because if you do suffer from these types of depression drink won't help you (believe me). What you should do is stick to soft drinks, nothing more refreshing than an orange juice or some coca-cola, plus the sugar will give you a lovely boost and keep you smiling.
So enjoy the sunshine because you deserve it!

Monday 14 June 2010

What It's All About

I've just been thinking about this blog for the past couple of days and even though I set out to make single girls feel great about being single, I think it's turning into something different. I've noticed that it's more about making girls feel good about themselves and so I’m guessing it's turning more into a confidence blog...
I'm still pretty new to this and basically my aim with this blog is to make people just feel better and happier with being themselves...but yes just a quick post just to say that

Hey Good Looking

Alright we've all been there haven't we, we stumble out of bed maybe hit our head on some sort of stupid object. The day we all dread, the frumpy day. We grab the worst jogging bottoms ever and the biggest jumper we can find, all in the name of comfort. we're so low we can't even be bothered to eat properly and basically eat everything. Days don't have to be like that though. In fact as I’m writing this I’m looking the worst and wearing the most disgusting clothes ever. Pink bottoms and a massive hoodie (go ahead laugh at me)
I don't want you feeling like this at all, but I’m not going to say dress up for a day in the house, that’s just stupid. All I’m saying is everyone is allowed a day off, what you should do though is maybe treat yourself; I’m not saying you should go on eBay or buy stuff online. What I mean is maybe you should make yourself feel a tad bit better, maybe paint you're nails a bright colour or watch a happy film...I must advise though don't watch a doomed tale of love (I pretty much learned this through watching Benjamin Button by myself...disaster)
What I do to make myself feel better is plan a holiday trip for the future or think about things you want to do in life and what you can do to get to that point, yeah?
I had a meltdown this morning because I’m having money problems and everything, plus I want to get an internship in America with Time Warner for Production (films or TV) and I found that giving a little text to your friends for a pick-me-up reply is pretty good too. My friends cheer me up via text all the time, even if it is simply stating what they're doing.
So if you're having a downer of a day, or you're simply wanting to cheer yourself up have a nosey in the mirror give a smile and make yourself feel better by doing some of these little things...

Saturday 12 June 2010

It's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you're not

Lots of girls don't seem to have much confidence when it comes to everything. But I’ll be honest you can do anything. I started out as a right little Tomboy, I used to go around wearing awful (and I mean awful) clothes, I had pretty short hair which DID NOT suit me at all. It's taken me a while to get to this point in my life where I’m pretty comfortable about my looks, I mean I even wear dresses now.
To find the confidence to do anything you have to accept who you are, and no don't go and think 'well I’m crap' or whatever, you are a woman and have just as much right to be sexy along with everybody else. I'm not saying you should pile on there slap and get you're boobs out...that’s not the point. You have to learn to accept yourself and become you're own best friend.
Try not to think about other people, and I know it's hard but try not to listen to what other people say to you. It's you're life; it's up to you what you want to do and how you want to dress. I've been guilty of this, I remember when I was 14 and listening to my 'best friend' at the time who called me horrible things because of the way I's hard but DO NOT listen to them, they're just trying to make themselves look better and deep down they know that you're better than they are so they HAVE to big themselves up, believe me I have known a lot of people who have done this and it's been a battle to block them out of my thoughts.
A good thing to do to get you're confidence up is to spend time with yourself. When you wake up on a morning smile, look into you're mirror and think positive thoughts about yourself, because you are fantastic and you can do anything! If you go shopping, go by yourself and get an item of clothing that you wouldn't usually wear (but something you can wear everyday) and own it. When you wear it you'll feel great because doing something different for you and it really does get you're confidence up! and life’s for living not for sitting in you're room and thinking you were somebody else, walk down the street and smile because there is nothing sexier than a girl who loves herself....

hope this has helped some of you people, and if you want to ask any questions feel free to.